Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sense of Place

Southerners developed an acute sense of place as a result of their dramatic and traumatic history and their rural isolation on the land for generations.


The first inhabitants of the region, Native Americans, saw the land of the Southeast as sacred ground, with all the happenings in their specific places related to the rest of the cosmos. Native Americans named prominent physical landmarks and plants and animals in their local areas; their place names survive as evocative descriptions of the landscape.


Folk artists draw from the long memory of people living in isolated rural areas for generations. They learn from older generations and convey the texture of life in a particular southern place through painting, carving, sewing, and other crafts.


(Sociologist) John Shelton Reed has concluded that "southerners seem more likely than other Americans to think of their region, their states, and their local communities possessively as theirs, and as distinct from and preferable to other regions, states, and localities."

from the New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Charles Regan Wilson, general & volume editor (Vol #4, page 254)

Family Folklore

Southern families also pass on their memories of relatives and family events through foodways, which can range from favorite dishes, special recipes, and holiday foods and menus to events associated with preparing and consuming seasonal foods (including fish fries, barbecues, oyster roasts, and peanut and crawfish boils). Many families creat their own versions of favorite southern dishes, adapting recipes to accommodate family food preferences and religious, ethnic, and regional differences.

Stories, pastimes, expressions, keepsakes, and foodways are but a few examples of southern family folklore. There are many more. Naming traditions, rituals, songs, customs, gestures, pranks, and material culture offer equally rich avenues for families to express their sense of shared identity and history. The emphasis on leisure time, the strong continuity between generations in many families, the interest in family background and kinship, and a love of storytelling have collectively contributed to a rich body of folklore among southern families.

From the New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Glenn Hinson and William Ferris volume editors (Vol #14, page 80)

Making An Atlantic World: Circles, Paths, and Stories from the Colonial South

Making An Atlantic World: Circles, Paths, and Stories from the Colonial South. James Taylor Carson. Univ of TN Press (Knoxville)

... in the landscapes and cosmologies of the colonial South, one small corner of the Atlantic world, we can find the South's autobiography and recognize its multiple authors, ... we can see that an ocean is not necessarily an ocean, the story of colonization does not have to be a story of conquest, and "white" men, "red" men, and "black" men can be brothers born of the same mother. The stories we tell, after all, make us who we are and the land what it is. (122)